
Friday, July 26, 2013

Allons-y! It means "Let's go!" in French.


This French phrase has very special meaning to me. Eight years ago an amazing TV show from the 1960's rebooted. Doctor Who. This sci-fi BBC show captured my attention and won over my heart with its quirky, corny, and dramatic story telling. As I went through my pre-teen and early teen years this show began to shape how I approach the world without me even realizing it.

The lessons I have learned from my precious Doctor include:
  • It's ok to make things up as you go.
  • Question things that seem wrong in your gut
  • BE YOURSELF. No matter what others think or how awkward you feel
  • Shit happens. Roll with it.
  • This world is always more complicated than you think. More amazing. More interesting.
  • "The Way I See It, Every Life Is a Pile of Good Things And Bad Things… The Good Things Don't Always Soften The Bad Things… the Bad Things Don't Necessarily Spoil The Good Things And Make Them Unimportant. "
  • You will always have people coming in an out of your life. Appreciate them while they're still around.
  • It's never too late to reinvent who you are or improve upon it.
And most importantly: Every situation is an opportunity for adventure. Don't shy away from it because you're scared or don't know how it will turn out.

Allons-y is the signature phrase of the 10th Doctor (my personal favorite). He uses Allons-y when diving into anything dangerous, adventurous, or just plain crazy. This phrase reminds me to be adventurous and to go with the flow without letting my somewhat (ok, very) controlling self overthink and ruin the situation.

Thank you for joining me on this new adventure of blogging!



  1. I like it, B. Great wisdom from the Doctor. Keep it up. -Aunt J

  2. Very cool that you are blogging! Keep it up!
