I want to start talking about social issues with you guys. The past few months I have been drawn to blogs and stories about social movements and their effects on peoples way of thinking. I know that there are many different opinions on these topics and I want to be clear that I am only stating my own. Your own opinions on these topics are more than welcome and I would love to see them in the comments.
I believe that our society relies too much on excusing behaviors because that's just how it's always been. Saying something is 'girly' as a reason a boy can't play with it? Oh, that's just how it's always been. Men catcalling on the street? Boys will be boys. I am a strong supporter of living life intentionally. Don't let social norms dictate how you respond to a situation, stop and think before you respond.
Today let's focus on this article: http://rantsandrambles.com/2014/05/29/and-he-learned/
Once you have read the article please take a few moments to develop your own opinion and feelings about it before reading my own.
Ready? Okay.
This post is extremely powerful and I think it sheds light on something that not many people talk about. Yes, we talk about feminism and expecting men to know better. However, we expect this from them once they have become adults, instead of instilling respect and equality in them from the start. Don't get me wrong, I don't think being raised a certain way excuses behavior as an adult in any way. The conversation needs to have more than one focal point. Instead of only telling adult men that they need to respect women and treat them as equals, let's also encourage teaching the sons and other young men in their life how important it is. I have seen countless parents ask other adults to watch their language around their children, but how often do you see someone say the same about the treatment of women? Children have an amazing way of picking up on the tiniest moments that you don't think they're paying attention to. Micro aggresions towards women are everywhere on a daily basis. We all know that advertisements and movies are major culprits, but have you ever considered how daily conversation contributes? I never really payed attention to it. It is far easier to blame societal norms on the things we watch on TV or see in magazines, as they are tangible and readily available for evidence.
We are in the social media age, where every thought can be conveyed to countless people in seconds. I have found myself posting opinions and random things that pop into my head without even thinking of the backlash they could cause. This is not living life intentionally. This is living life selfishly.
I challenge you to consider how your words and actions shape the world around you. You may be saying 'I'm only one person, I can't change anything.', but think about the ripple effect you could have to those around you. We are raising the next generation and even if you are not a parent you can have a positive impact on the children you come into come in contact with or are listening in on your conversations. Teach the young boys of today that women deserve to be treated as equals. Teach the young girls that being equal does not mean belittling men. Teach with your actions and well as your words, live what you preach. Live life intentionally.
I would love to hear your thoughts on the article, sound off in the comments!